
28 August 2012

Welcome Home

The date is August 29th.  Today I have arrived in Berlin after four and a half months on the road around the world.  I started in Asia where I went to Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Indonesia.  from there I arrived in Europe where I sayed with many people and met many more. The list includes London, Athens, Hvar, Berlin, Malta, Malaga, Barelona, and finished it off by driving through the Pyrenees and along the western coast of France to visit all the old chateaus and castles until we arrived back in Paris for a second time. I loved every moment of the trip, including the ones I've forgotten.

I started the journey alone, and ended it around family.  I've been to dark corners and bright landscapes.  I've seen cities and jungles, island and mountains.  I've learned about myself and about the world, different societies and different cultures.  After all of that, what to do next?

As much as I've missed home on is trip, it is not the right time to return.  So today, on the 29th of August, I've been in Berlin less then 12 hours and I'm getting connections to find places to work and places to live.  I ran into a thousand signs during this trip all telling me to go, and now it's real.

So now all I have to do is test my luck and throw myself out on the line.  The first and hardest step is having the courage to show up.

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