
25 September 2013


If I hadn't been a visual artist, I would have learned dance.

11 September 2013

Live Painting to Bass

Listen to this:  Ghostek- No Way Out

Place: Subduction, Seattle.

Goal:  Live painting.

This post is far after the event ever happened.  I was asked by a friend to do a collaboration on a painting.  I started it off before passing it to the next player.  This is the documentation of my time warp.  I cant say how long it took me, but I started before the party did.  When I turned around there was and entire warehouse filled with people below me.  Every time I've been back people call me "Artist Lady."

I found this sign sitting below one of my paintings late in the night, thank you to whoever that was :)

This is many hours into the night when my co-lab partner was ready to start working, so I passed it along and went to join the fun.

The next day we were continuing the party somewhere outdoors.  Never really painted, but instead joined the celebration.  Favorite part of the trip.  Making mud balls with an eight year old for hours by the river.