
28 April 2014

Nepali Tour: Three Weeks in the Inferno pt. 1

This is just part one, more photos to come.

China, 15 hour layover in Guangzhou.
From our Hotel roof.  The Monkey Temple with Moon going over the horizon.

The City, Kathmandu.  Noticed there was something funny about the structure.  Still in use.

City surrounding the old palace.

At the Buddhist painting school

On the way to the Hindi temple for cremation ceremony.

Stray doggy sleeping in prayer flags at the Buddhist temple.

Beginning our hike.  Even though it was March, we had beautiful weather.  A rarity at this time.

The porters cooking our dinner over an open fire.

Above the world.

We made it out of the mountains on our last day trying to outrun a monsoon.  We got heavily rained on, while the mountains were nicely sprinkled with fresh snow.

All the trucks look like this, and crazier.