
09 March 2017

Flash Series #2: Mythological Elements

Simple concept, each of the platonic solids with a corresponding mythological character and element. 

Cube, Earth, Nüwa, Chinese.
The Cube represents earth and feminine energy.  I chose the myth of Nüwa who brought the earth into being.  Therefore it is accompanied by Chinese inspired imagery of peonies and traditional landscape paintings.
Octahedron, Air, Raven, Native American.
The Octahedron represents air and male energy.  Raven is often used in Pacific Northwest Native American culture and their stories.  As told in the creation of man in the Haida tribes, raven flies down to man who is born out of a clam shell.  Raven then takes off his mask and transforms into a man himself.  I recreated imagery to do with air elements reflecting the different tribes around North America.  I portrayed the peace pipes which originated with the Sioux tribes, and depicted two birds from both the Hopi and Ojibwa tribes.

Tetrahedron, Fire, Púca, Norse.
The Tetrahedron represents fire and male energy.  Púca is from Celtic folklore, and is a bringer of good and bad fortune.  The creatures similarities to Pan, or the representation of Aries (the Ram) and it connection to fire is what helped me decide on depicting Scandinavian imagery.  Far north if you did not have fire, could mean life or death.  The accompanying images are of Odin, god of war, and his two ravens in a Nordic war helmet.  Embedded in the image contains two symbol for protection.  The third design is of two intertwined Celtic dragons.

Icosahedron, Water, Mermaid, Greek.
The Icosahedron represent water and female energy.  Mermaids are a global myth, but its first origins of reference appears in Greece.  Even though this area is rich in history, I was most intrigued by medieval maps and sea monsters from this region.

Dodecahedron, Spirit (Universe), Sphinx, Egyptian.

The Dodecahedron represents spirit and is both male and female energy.  I chose the Sphinx for this sheet becasue of its representation as the bridge between the physical and spiritual world.  The Sphinx at the great pyramids is positioned to honor the rising of the sun.  The Scarab Beetle symbolizes the heavenly cycle and rebirth.  The cobra, which is usually found on the crown of royalty has the eye of Horus, or Wadjet, who is the sky god.

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