This is the hole that Phil flipped the sled upside down into.

I was waiting for the guys to get the broken sled and ride it to the bottom of the hill so we could tow it out of the mountains.

Here they were. It's sad I don't have any pictures of our sled-train... I think we were all to scared to think straight. This is the last picture up until the next one. It's the "I'm so happy to be alive photo that I'll take crappy pictures from inside the car" series.

These photos are from after the "40 hours in Alaska" entry. We sledded into an area and camped later that day through a snow storm. This is also when I realized I'm afraid of heights. I know it may not look big, that's what I thought too when I was standing at the bottom.

From half way up the hill, we could see our sled tracks from when Phil flipped his sled. The day it happened you couldn't tell what was 2 feet in front of you or 50 meters away. This day we could clearly see the whole story. All our tracks went to the same spot, the whole area was entirely flat, except for a random hole which Phil happened to find.

Boot packing it over the final ridge. This was nothing for the guys I was with, they go rock climbing and ice climbing like it ain't-no-thang. For me however, I had this complete irrational fear that swept over me that I thought I would go tumbling down the hill forever! I didn't say a word, I didn't whine, I just went into full focus mode and went really slow.

This was the ledge. I had made it. I went into a fit of giggles at this point.

...all the while Phil was waiting and having a picnic.
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